
Maryhill’s Award-winning Rehabilitation Program involves a true collaboration among team members, offering:22-300x199

  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • and Speech-Language Pathology

… all with a holistic approach to treatment which meets each Resident’s needs.

Therapists are approachable and encourage questions from both Residents and their families to ensure that treatment re-builds their confidence and independence for a successful return home. Through our Resident Centered approach, short term clients return home after an average length of stay of 33.53 days. We also provide Out Patient Rehabilitation as needed by clients in the community, as ordered by their physician.

Our Residents are kept informed of their progress along the road to recovery as well, with our Therapists joining with the Team for Progress and Discharge Meetings with the Resident and their family members. Prior to returning home our Occupational Therapist may arrange for a Home Evaluation to make sure that the environment at home is safe and will promote ongoing independence once the Resident leaves.Therapists work together with the Resident, their physician, and the rest of our Care Partners to develop a individualized program of rehabilitation that will best meet the goals each Resident has, based upon their needs and abilities. If you would like to ask a therapist about Maryhill you can call 715-251-3172.

1. Physical Therapy
The Physical Therapist, by order of the physician, evaluates each client and determines a course of treatment which will best promote their recovery. Physical Therapists utilize various exercise regimens, balance strategies, safety awareness and postural correction, assistive devices, gait pattern improvement techniques, and prosthetic/orthotic devices when appropriate. Our Physical Therapists are also involved in the more complex wound treatments, and with proper fitting of wheelchairs as needed.

2. Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy helps people with physical problems to become self sufficient, helps them become active or regain motion following an illness and/or injury, and/or re-train the body to perform daily activities such as bathing, dressing, balancing while standing for cooking, or other tasks we otherwise may take for granted. Occupational Therapy is individualized to meet each person’s needs as ordered by the physician following an evaluation.

3. Speech-Language Pathology
Our Speech Therapist works with residents to regain swallowing abilities, re-learn muscle control needed for talking to communicate and eat, and in conjunction with Occupational Therapy, performs treatment to aid memory, recall of facts needed for daily life, and provide memory tools or exercises an individual client needs to remain successful and independent. The Speech-Language Pathologist completes an evaluation of needs and provides treatment as ordered by the physician.

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Awards & Recognition

. Daily News "Peoples' Choice" Award
. Excellence in Action Award
. Top 10% of Facilities Nationwide
. Community Harmony Award
. Public Relations Award
. Teen Volunteer Award
. Employee of the Year
. Professional of the Year
. Spiritual Leader of the Year
. Administrator of the Year
. Inspired Comfort Award

Contact Information

Maryhill Manor of Niagara
501 Madison Avenue
Niagara, Wisconsin 54151

tel: (715)251-3172
fax: (715)251-1193

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Your Award Winning Choice for Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation